
I’ve talked before about my high school sweetheart “Johnny” but haven’t gone that much in detail with the other aspects of high school whether it be fellow students, teachers, or just what I learned during those short four years. The blog, Where Have All The Prom Queens Gone?, really inspired me to write a post on my high school experience.

My high school was like the new show Gossip Girls except we were actually living it. In freshman year, I was nice to everyone in the grade and everyone was nice to me, until one girl, the most popular at the time, told me, “Pick who you want to become. You can be either one of the nerds or one of us.” I don’t think I will ever forget that she said that. I told my best friends, who were in her crowd more than I was, and they totally turned on her. No one was her friend anymore and all of the sudden everyone started to try really hard to be friends with me. Anyways, I guess I kind of took her spot in a way. A year or so ago, my best friend from high school, who is still one of the best friends now (“Charlotte”), told me that that bitch is now dating a rich fifty year old, married man. One word, karma.

My friends and I knew how to party. One of my friends had parents that were always gone so we would go to her place and throw parties. After one of her parties, I remember I met my high school sweetheart. I think that most girls who are in a position like I was in, dating a older boy and partying every weekend, whether in the Hamptons or New York, could easily ruin their life but college was really important to me and my parents would always demand to know my whereabouts. I think most people at my high school are surprised to see me how I am today: having seen me date  “Brad”, who was my little piece of Hollywood drama, seeing me in magazines and movies, and still being just as outgoing and friendly as I was in high school. But then again i am always so surprised at our reunions to see the druggie now with one child at the top preschool in the city and the sweet cheerleader now, totally butch. It’s just funny what time does to us all.

5 responses to “Frenemies

  1. your highschool experience sounds like the chic NYC version of mine! I love your blog too! Your definitely going up on my blog roll and google reader.

  2. High school never changes does it? Loved your blog and enjoyed reading about your high school. I’ll put you in my blog roll.

  3. Wow… just like Gossip Girl? You should post more stories about your high school experience!

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